Friday, November 2, 2007

Wall thoughts

I used to have this all written on a sheet on my wall. They're mostly lyrics from bands I love. Sometimes the right words ring true.

True words.

I'm inclined to ramble.

That's me on the street with the violin under my chin/playing with a grin/singing gibberish.

These days turned out nothing like I had planned.

I had time on my hands now I'm handling time.

Seeker of a new song.

But tomorrow I'll still be eating yoghurt.

Gotta find direction/before i lose hope.

Found a way to reach my heart/take it all back to the start of this/a million miles from home.

A voice of one calling.

The music in my head's making everything dance
And something in the song reminds me of you.

All the words ever written by the greatest authors, all the lyrics ever sung by singers will never serve to fill the dark space in your head where silence is the only coherent language.

I want good times: not cut out for pessimism.

Through all the fights I've conquered and beyond
The times have changed and I will now move over slowly
But through it all I still fill lost without you.

In the best possible way...

Life is good but sometimes you have to SCREAM anyway.

Savour the moment coz memory's fleeting.

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